

New Delhi - Kultur

Something So Clear is Kapil Das‘ patient look behind the visual clichés and stereotypes that have come to define India. Consisting of a tight edit from thousands of photos taken over a decade.

Wien - Kultur

Based on years of experience as a photographer and an absolute Vienna lover I invite local people as well as visitors to explore hidden gems not far away from the place where they live.

New York - Kultur

Poolscapes brings together two connected bodies of work—“The Pool” (2002–05) and “Poolscapes” (2009–12)—focused on the motif of the swimming pool and realized over the course of ten years.

Los Angeles - Kultur

Photographer Stephan Würth has taken his passion for the sport and transformed it into Tennis Fan, a collection of black and white photographs that he took on Kodak film over the past ten years.