
Shanghai - Kunst

Mianhua, formerly known as Shimei Li, is an independent artist based in Shanghai. Originally an editor, she became an artist, with the mysterious natural universe and life per se the source of her inspiration.

Wien - Ausstellung

Parsa Khalili experiments with the perception of surface effects, formal transformations, and spatial ambiguities at multiple scales, from drawings and large-format paintings to buildings.

Prag - Kunst

Laura studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. During her studies, she participated in exchange programs in the UK and Taiwan, which had a profound cultural impact on her work.

Oira - Festival

On the occasion of her performance on Thursday, July 18, 2024, at NEXTONES, we talked with Lucy Railton about her years-long practice, her love for music, and her future collaborations!

Wien - Ausstellung

By interweaving romanticized depictions of the outside world, the article deals with the themes of seeing and being seen as well as the feeling of being trapped in pictorial worlds.

Leipzig - Kunst

Markus Heller lebt und arbeitet in Leipzig. Er beschäftigt sich mit zeitlichen Verzerrungen und sucht nach Überschneidungen und Parallelen zwischen der haptischen und der digitalen Welt.

München - Ausstellung

The exhibition (Johannes Kiel & Tatjana Vall and Justin Urbach) NO MIND NO MATTER pries open the cracks by making this very dazzling dialectic between visibility and invisibility material.

München - Ausstellung

Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Tirol sucht 2025 nach Projekten, die im Moment der Störung ihr Potenzial entfalten und so neue Räume öffnen. Störfaktoren, die Problemstellen sichtbar machen.

Wien - Ausstellung

Analoge Fotografie war schon immer seine Leidenschaft- nun präsentiert Raphael Riegler seine neueste Ausstellung „Hi Mom, I’ve been to New York City“ im Photo Cluster im 7. Bezirk in Wien.

Oira - Festival

This prestigious international festival, brought to you by Tones on the Stones Foundation in collaboration with Threes Productions, is set to unfold from July 18th to 21st.

Berlin - Kunst

The solo exhibition by Ju Young Kim, a Korea-born, Germany-based artist, opened at the max goelitz gallery in Berlin on June 27th and will be available to the public until July 27th, 2024.

Hallein - Ausstellung

Sie stellten einen zeichnerischen Dialog her. Ihr gemeinsames Projekt impliziert keine bestimmten Themen, sondern zwei parallele Visionen, die in perfekter Harmonie nebeneinander bestehen.



LNR Archiv

LNR Kosmos