Oslo Kunst

Interview with Georg Óskar

Georg Óskar (b.1985, Iceland) currently works and lives in Oslo, Norway. Infused with a distinct twist, Oskar’s narratives are often sarcastic, but always offer genuine observations of his lived and built environment. A sense of levity and innocence is located within his narratives and murkiness of his palette, to operate as a ‘psychological counteract’ that enables him to maintain a bemused distance from the profane, the dark, and the obscene.
I feel absolutely defeated these days, oil on canvas, 335x175cm
I feel absolutely defeated these days, oil on canvas, 335x175cm

How would you describe yourself?
I try to keep things honest and simple around me as the world we live in is pretty much the opposite to that.

How do you choose the themes in your works?
I don’t choose themes, or when I go to my studio I am not really thinking what I am going to paint today, I start working as that leads me usually to unseen new places and often interesting ones. I am given the theme for each single piece on the way that is my process. I rarely do sketches, and I do not plan my paintings. I find beauty in odd places, that has been the red line threw out my work past years.

What is the best part about your practice?
Being alone in my studio is probably the best thing about it.

When did you write your last letter?
The last letter I wrote and actually sent to someone is many years ago. But I own a typewriter, and I do write poems and short stories from time to time. It is really pleasing to write on that typewriter as you can hear the words being typed down. There are few of my texts in my book „Your Dream Is Dead“ which came out last year.

How do you spend your day?
I work in my studio few hours most days, when I am not there I make music at home, when I am not making music, I pet my cats, go to the store, the park, take walks with my partner, hang out with friends, read few pages in a book. You know all the normal stuff.

has somebody seen mikki 195x195cm
Has somebody seen Mikki, oil on canvas, 195x195cm

What’s next for 2021?
I have been working towards two shows this year, I will be opening a solo show in London at JD Malat Gallery in October. The second show is a group show in Stavanger in Norway at Tou Ølhallene. On the side I am working on a album which will come out hopefully in the end of this year under the artist name Zkari.

Georg Óskar – www.georgoskar.com