

Vienna | Bärndorf | Brno Nick Havelka

Nick Havelka ist ein in Tschechien geborener und in Österreich lebender Künstler. 2023 schloss er sein Studium an der Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien mit der Diplomarbeit „I am Fine!“ ab.

Artistportait, Ich in der Ausstellung „Romantic Mode“ In der Galerie Irrgang Foto: Jana Slaby

Theresa Rothe lebt als bildende Künstlerin in Leipzig. Ab 2013 studierte sie an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Dresden und schloss 2022 ihren Meisterschüler bei Prof. Wilhelm Mundt ab.

Installation view. Lou Jaworski NATURE, 2024, Courtesy of max goelitz Copyright of the artist. Foto: Marjorie Brunet Plaza

On the occasion of his first solo exhibition at max goelitz gallery in Berlin, we talked with the artist Lou Jaworski (*1981) about his production processes, horizons, AI, Pinocchio, and 3D fantasy.

Emma Kling Photocredit: Lorenz Kunath

Emma Kling’s diploma thesis received the Vanessa Preger-McGillivray Prize 2024. The work subtly addresses latent power dynamics within the context of art history. A Review by Katharina Hoffmann.

Photographer, Leipzig, Germany

Die Fotografien von Katja Heinemann (*1998) setzen sich mit dem menschlichen Körper auseinander. Mal wird er in abstrakte Formen verbogen, bis er fast unkenntlich wird.

Tijana Radenković

Tijana Radenković (1991) is a visual artist based in Bratislava since 2019. She finished her artistic studies in Belgrade (SRB) at the Faculty of Fine Arts, where she got a PhD with her work Closeness.

Romain Berger

Inspired by the work of photographer David LaChapelle and the colorful aesthetic of filmmaker Gregg Araki, his gently provocative and cinematic body of work stands out for its excessive use of colors.

Bernhard Fritz und Wolfgang Roblek vor weiblichem Torso

Die Galerie Fritz versteht sich als Ausstellungsplattform und hat zum Ziel, die Kunstszene Vorarlbergs in all ihren Facetten abzubilden. Dafür wird Künstlern eine Fläche von 1 m² angeboten.

Interview Künstler:innen in Wien

Ein Editorial x Exclusive von Sophie Mashraki. Interviews mit Jacky Surowitz, Peta Klotzberg, Thomas Erlmoser, Bibiane Zimba, Irena Pejcic, Sophie Mashraki, Celeste Eibensteiner und Vale Zimmermann.

Lauf mein Fohlen 2023

Laura Mercedes Arndt zeigt mit ihren Arbeiten eine subjektive Sicht auf ein provinzielles Aufwachsen, ein vermeintliches Idyll. Eine Landschaft mit blauem Himmel ist so ziemlich Sujet jeder Arbeit.

Gisela A. Lazarte

Gisela A. Lazarte is a Venezuelan painter based in New York. With a background in film, her artwork places a special emphasis on conveying movement, allowing sound and music to influence her process.

Onka Allmayer-Beck

Three artworks are currently displayed on cars roaming the streets of Vienna. As part of the collaboration between TheArtGorgeous and Uber, we had the opportunity to visit Onka Allmayer-Beck.

Jeong Hoon Shin

In seiner bildhauerischen Arbeit zeigt Jeong Hoon Shin ein starkes Interesse an Figurativen. Er arbeitet mit einer breiten Palette von Oberflächengestaltungen und Materialien.

Colours on Canvas, Solo Show at Kunstakademie Münster. Foto: Charlotte Hilbolt

Charlotte Hilbolt lebt und arbeitet in Münster und begann 2012 ihr Studium der Freien Kunst an der Kunstakademie Münster. Seit 2023 ist sie Meisterschülerin von Prof. Cornelius Völker.

film photography as a form of therapy.

Priscilla Orfanos, currently residing in Mexico, is a singer-songwriter who constantly seeks avenues to creatively express herself, be it through her music or her newfound passion for film photography.

Delphine Lamarque Munico

Delphine Lamarque is a textile artist. Her work is strongly linked to architecture and the notion of the « nest ». For a life-size immersion, she reworks tent canvases from the 1970s and 1980s.

Alessandro Miotti

Alessandro Miotti, born in Marostica, currently lives and works in Venice and is a member of the studio „zolforosso.“ He graduated in 2023 from the Venice Academy of Fine Arts in Visual Arts Level II.

Vladyslav Prozorenko and Diana Tarhonii

Diana Tarhonii and Vladyslav Prozorenko are a contemporary artist couple known as PROZZORRR. Vladyslav hails from Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, while Diana was born in the small town of Kostopil.

Anna Veriki in her studio

Anna Veriki currently resides and works in Kyiv. Her creations predominantly grace canvas, as the artist adeptly explores various media, with a primary focus on painting and graphics.

Install shot of the artwork by Gabriela Meunié at Gallery Casa Estudio Granados, Menorca. Photo: Daniel Schäfer

Gabriela Meunié’s work emerges from a unique life context. As a French-American born in Mallorca, she was influenced by the abstract artistic currents that thrived on the Mediterranean island.

Andreas Schlichtner

Over the past two decades, Andreas Schlichtner has embraced the dual role of a passionate supporter of artists and an avid collector of art. His curated collection boasts several hundred remarkable works.

Artist. Hanna Antonsson. Photo:

Hanna Antonsson’s practice is based on taxidermy, sculpture, and photography. With an interest in the animal’s perspective, its symbolism, its constant presence in various myths, and our everyday life.

Kunsthalle Bratislava, Photo: Lujza Stopková

Anastasija Pavić is a multi-media artist living in Belgrade. In her artistic practice, Pavić tackles complex contemporary issues such as post-cyber feminism, consumerism, interpersonal relationships.

"MOVE AND STAY"_ selfportrait © Hanna Burkart

Hanna Burkart was born in Vienna, where she graduated in Industrial Design and Site-specific Art. In her performances, she takes a step back from accepted certainties and practices.