

arang choi

Arang Choi currently lives in Vienna. She pursued her studies in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna from 2016 to 2023. In 2019 she did an exchange semester at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.

Artist Daniela Grabosch

Daniela Grabosch’s works push the limitations of space and time creating (almost) like an invisible patchwork of overlapping layers. Pushing algorithms and bending the virtual into the tangible.

Interview Zeichnung & Druckgrafik

Fuko Katsuda was born in 1995 in Osaka, Japan. She has been living in Vienna and studying Zeichnung & Druckgrafik at Die Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien since 2021.

artist from toronto

Dina Roudman, a self-taught multidisciplinary artist. Absent the confines of formal education, Dina’s artistic journey has been shaped by her innate talent and unyielding determination.

Jim Thorell, Photo by Jean-Baptiste Béranger

Jim Thorell’s drawings and paintings embody a blend of nostalgic, fragmented realms. Within his visual universe, the observer’s gaze meanders amidst fluid pastel hues and poetic arrangements.

naomi Lewis münchen

STICKYHARMONY is a sustainable upcycling brand brought to life in May 2022 by 23-year-old Munich local Naomi Lewis. The startup is currently focusing on unique handmade handbags.

hector hollein

The exhibition called „Absurder Realisums“ features artworks by artist Michael Langer (* August 24, 1929, in Zittau; + April 30, 2022), and it marks Hector Hollein’s debut as a curator.

Amela Rasinlic

Born in 1986 in Saarbrücken, Amela lives as a visual artist in Munich. As the daughter of migrants from former Yugoslavia, she grew up bilingual, under the influence of two different cultures.

Ella Raidel, Green Screen Landscape, 2017, 100 x 140 cm, Edition: 5+1

Ella Raidel is an acclaimed visual artist and filmmaker who has been residing in Asia since 2002. Currently serving as an Assistant Professor at NTU Singapore in both the ADM School of Art, Design and Media.

Günther Oberhollenzer, Leitung das Wiener Künstlerhaus

Künstlerhaus, one of the oldest artist associations in the country, with nearly 500 artistic members, all diverse in terms of age, forms of expression, has since October 2022 a new artistic director.

Francis Zeischegg, Home Zone. Foto: Jannis Uffrecht

Als Plattform für zeitgenössische Kunst und aktuelle Fragen künstlerischer Praxis und ihrer (Re)Präsentation widmet sich nova space in Ausstellungen und anderen experimentellen Formaten.

kathi sylvest

Kathi Sylvest wurde 2001 in Tirol geboren, jetzt lebt und arbeitet sie seit 2020 in Wien. In Tirol schloss sie eine HTL für Malerei ab und begann daraufhin als Theatermalerin in Wien zu arbeiten.

The indeterminacy of an encounter_environmental and sound installation_2021_frames from videodocumentation _courtesy the artist and Merz Foundation

Nina Carini was born in Palermo in 1984 and her education took place between the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona and Milan and the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts of Lyon.

Jewellery brand. Louise Konrad

‘Louise Konrad’ was founded by way of creative self exploration and intuition. Konrad’s drive to create bold, classic designs was second nature and has continued to evolve into a brand that promotes individuality.

Zhang Wuyun 张武运, The way home 04, 2020, oil on canvas, 180 x 230cm

Zhang Wuyun was born in Shenyang in 1981 and studied at the Affiliated High School of China Academy of Art and Luxun Academy of Fine Arts. Currently, he creates and lives in Hangzhou.

Yi Lian易连, Rearward 7后方, 2014, 单频黑白有声录像, Single channel video, black&white sound, 8’12’’, Courtesy BMCA Collection

Yi Lian specialized in media art works including video, installation, photography, and so on. He is good at setting up a theater in the darkness by scheduling lightning to reduce the depth of the space.

Anne von Freyburg

Anne von Freyburg (b. 1979) is a Dutch artist based in London. She received her MFA from Goldsmiths (2016) and holds a BA in Fashion Design from ArtEZ Arnhem, The Netherlands.

"Traveling plots. Self-sacrificing for an ideal." 240х140 сm, oil on canvas

Born in Mariupol, Ed Kolodiy is a painter and graphic artist, an author of objects of art, video installations and performance art. Graduated from Grekov Odessa State Art College (Odessa, Ukraine) in painting.

Interview mit David Osthoff

David Osthoff arbeitet mit den Potenzialen postdigitaler Darstellungen von Licht. Diskurse über Urbanität, Natur und menschliche Gemeinschaft bilden den theoretischen Rahmen seiner Arbeiten.

chinese artist Liu Xuanzhu

Liu Xuanzhu graduated from the Mural Painting Department of China Academy of Art in 2014 with a Bachelor’s degree and graduated from the Painting Department of Venice Academy of Fine Arts in 2019.

Interview mit Raphael Riegler

Der Fotograf Raphael Riegler, der in Mürzzuschlag aufgewachsen ist und sich selbst als ‚dedicated Skaterboy‘ betitelt, hat nach seinen Studium seine Liebe zur analogen Fotografie entdeckt.

Taken time, 2022, acrylic_canvas, 50_50cm, from series Another side

Anzhelika Palyvoda – Ukrainian visual artist born in 2000 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Currently based in Vienna. Graduated from the National Academy of Fine art and Architecture, MA monumental painting.

Artist. Saxon Quinn

Saxon Quinn is a self-taught artist with a background in Visual Design. His mother – Dianne Coulter, also an artist, has had a large studio and gallery on the family property since he was born.

They all want to steal my Guy ,2022 acrylique on canevas . 75x95 cm

Lounis Baouche was born in Bgayet (Bejaia), he lives and works in this same city on the shores of the Mediterranean, filled with mysteries, stories, and legends. Today, a polluted and corrupted city.

Media Esfarjani

Before moving to Berlin to study fine arts at Universität der Künste, Media Esfarjani studied English literature and art education in Frankfurt. She finds her greatest sources of influence in literature.