London Kunst

Interview with Nina Archer

Nina Archer’s work has a strong association with landscape, not in any representational way, it is more her experience of it, attempting to look beyond what is normally seen.
nina archer
RIDEGEWAY III – 50 x 25 cm

Her studio in the Shropshire hills overlooks long views of hills and rolling countryside and she spends a lot of time walking and observing her immediate environment, examining and absorbing elements of the landscape that are important to her – particularly focusing on the shape and contours of the land, the textural layering from soil cultivation, the linear forms, the darkness and contrast of the forested valleys, the accents of colour and the changing weather patterns.

What is your background?
My training and background is in design and this has had a significant effect on my understanding of form, proportion and mark making and has been instrumental in the development of a graphic approach to the work.

What inspires your work?
As per my bio.

How do you work?
My process involves building up multiple layers with a palette knife and then sanding, scoring and erasing to reveal or obscure marks previously made. By applying multiple layers of gesso, charcoal, acrylic and graphite, evidence of numerous adjustments and traces are always left behind. These accidental marks are sometimes more important than deliberate ones and can change the direction of the work, often taking it down an unexpected route. The textural details and colours are used as a contrast to focus or balance the composition. Although these are elements from the landscape, they are not used in any representational way. I like the idea that there are areas in the painting that may look flat from afar but when you examine them closely the surface is often highly textured.

What is the major duty of a painter?
The duty of an artist is to be true to their own principles and beliefs and to have confidence in their work.

FIELD I - 23 x 23 cm
FIELD I – 23 x 23 cm

What role does the artist have in society?
I think it’s important that the artist produces work which stimulates or is thought provoking.

Do you have any future exhibitions?
After my solo show with 508 gallery I will be preparing work for shows in two galleries over the next couple of months and then hopefully the return of autumn art fairs.

Address and contact:
508 Gallery
508 Kings Road
Chelsea, London, SW10 0LD